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Brain Exercises For Memory Improvement!

Many people experience a bit of trouble remembering things from time to time. Maybe you're a student who has trouble recalling the details of a certain lesson or reading. Perhaps you're an older adult who is having trouble remembering names or dates that you once knew like the back of your hand. In any case, there's no harm in doing some brain exercises to improve your memory. In fact, you may find it extremely helpful in a variety of ways. This article describes several great brain exercises that you can do to help improve your memory.

Signs Of Memory Loss

One of the key reasons that people may be interested in doing brain exercises for memory improvement is that they may be struggling with memory loss in their day-to-day lives. Amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, brain trauma, certain psychological conditions and drug and alcohol abuse can all be the cause of significant memory loss. Additionally, there is usually some very minor memory loss associated with the natural aging process. Here are a few signs to watch out for if you or someone you know may be losing their memory:

  • Asking the same questions over and over
  • Forgetting names or calling people by the wrong names
  • Getting lost while driving or walking in a familiar place
  • Misplacing items frequently
  • Having trouble remembering details about something you just watched, read or discussed

It's important to remember that the brain exercises described in this article aren't just for people who are losing their memory. Although experiencing the signs of memory loss is a great motivation to do these exercises, they can also be completed by anyone who wishes to improve their memory.

Brain Exercises

There are several great brain exercises that you can do to help improve your memory. Some of the greatest aspects of these exercises is that they are easy to fit into your day-to-day life and can also be fun and rewarding. Try some of these below to see if you can make a difference in how well you can remember and recall information:

Puzzles: Doing a puzzle is an excellent way to use your brain's power of recall and association. This doesn't always have to be a jigsaw puzzle, either. You can do crossword puzzles and word puzzles as well in order to improve your memory. Try replacing a few hours of TV or computer time each week with these types of puzzles instead.

Games: Playing games is not only fun but it can also be a great memory booster. However, keep in mind that the best games for your brain are ones that involve problem-solving or memory recall. In addition to board games and strategy games, some of today's hottest video games and computer games fall into this category as well. Try to choose some games which involve competing against others or time-sensitivity, since this will sharpen your speed and recall.

Reading: Reading a good book, a newspaper or a magazine can be a great way to stimulate your brain. While any reading is good, your brain will work harder if you choose challenging materials to read. Try to set aside some time for reading each day to help you boost your memory.

Learning new things: One of the best things you can do for your brain is to expose yourself to new things. Taking a cooking class, learning to play an instrument, taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill are all great ways to challenge your brain. In addition to these examples, one of the best new things you can learn if you want to focus on memory is a new language. Having to memorize new words, sentence structures and grammar rules will truly stimulate your memory and keep you on your toes.

Physical workouts: Many people may be surprised to learn that not all brain exercises have to do with puzzles, memory games or other thinking-based activities. In fact, doing physical exercise is also beneficial to your brain and your memory. A study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that individuals who did aerobic exercise regularly had significantly increased blood flow to the memory-related areas of their brain in just three months. Additionally, they scored better on memory tests. Although it has not been proven, many experts suspect that the physical exercise may also stimulate the growth of new cells in the memory-related areas of the brain.

Socializing: Research has found strong links between good brain health and strong personal relationships. If you want your memory to improve, make sure you keep an active social life, whether that involves fostering your friendships and relationships with family members, joining a local club or volunteering. Being around others is a great way to stay intellectually stimulated and to boost your memory capabilities.